Soulful Jazz Organ Player
English profile below
1988年、17才の時にハモンドオルガンコンクール全国大会高校生以上の部で最優秀賞を獲得、副賞としてロサンゼルスに行き、NAMMショー1989 (世界最大級の楽器・音楽機材展示会)でデモ演奏をする。NAMMショーに来ていたプロのオルガンプレイヤーの演奏を聴いて衝撃を受け、ジャズオルガンプレイヤーを志す。
同志社大学商学部に入り、軽音楽部でバンド活動を始め、ジャズビッグバンド「The Third Herd Orchestra」に参加し、ピアノ、キーボードを担当した。卒業後は、本格的に関西を中心に日本全国でオルガンプレイヤーとしての活動を始め、来日したDr.Lonnie Smith, Jack McDuffらと共演し、大きな影響を受ける。
1996年、ニューヨークのオルガンクラブで演奏し、その模様が日本の「キーボードマガジン」誌に紹介される。1997年に大阪で収録したライブ録音がアメリカのラジオで紹介される。同年11月に開催されたサンフランシスコ・ジャズフェスティバルオルガン・サミット(Organ Summit)に招待され、ジミー・マクグリフ、ブッカーT・ジョーンズ等と共演し、本場のオルガンファンを熱狂させ、「最もエキサイティングな日本人ジャズオルガニスト(Most exciting Japanese jazz organist)」と称賛される。
2002年、サンノゼジャズフェスティバル出演、2013年、スタンフォードジャズフェスティバル等アメリカのフェスティバルに出演。2018年、大津ジャズフェスティバル出演。2017年、2018年の2回に渡り、日系ジャズドラマー、アキラ・タナのAkira Tana and the Secret Agent Bandアメリカ西海岸のツアーにオルガンプレイヤーとして参加した。
1999年に初アルバム「Green’s Blues」、2000年にオルガンプレイヤー橋本有津子とのカップリングアルバム「Jazz Organ Tribute」、2014年、Akira Tanaと日本の民謡を織り交ぜて録音した「In My Own Way」をリリース。
2021年、ロック色を前面に出したバンド、Pandemic Ono Bandをギターリストの三原淑治の主導のもと結成し、アルバム「Pandemic Ono Band」をリリースした。
現在は、3児の子育て経験を活かして、子どもたちにもジャズオルガン の魅力を伝えようと2009年より始めた親子のためのライブ、「はじめてのジャズオルガン for Kids」も年に数回行ない、後進の指導にも携わっている。
Midori Ono
Soulful Jazz Organ Player
Midori Ono was Born in Shiga Prefecture, Japan in 1971 and currently lives in Nara Prefecture, Japan.
She began learning to play the Electone and Piano at an early age, and started to play the Hammond Organ at age 11.
In 1988, at the age of 17, she won the first prize in the Hammond Organ Competition for high school students and above, and as a supplementary prize, she was invited to play at the NAMM Show 1989 (National Association of Music Merchants), which is the world’s largest trade-only event for the music products, pro audio and event tech industry in Los Angeles, USA. She encountered many professional organ players play at the NAMM show, which inspired her to become a jazz organ player.
While studying at Doshisha University in Kyoto, she started playing in the light music club and joined the jazz big band “The Third Herd Orchestra”, where she played piano and keyboards. After graduating, she began to work as an organ player mainly in the Kansai area and throughout Japan. She also performed with the renown touring artists like Dr. Lonnie Smith and Jack McDuff, and was greatly influenced by them.
In 1996, she performed at an organ club in New York, which was introduced in Japan’s Keyboard Magazine, and in 1997, a live recording she made in Osaka was introduced on American radio. She was invited to perform at the Organ Summit of the San Francisco Jazz Festival in November of the same year, where she performed with Jimmy McGriff, Booker T. Jones, and others, and enthralling many organ fans and being praised as the “Most exciting Japanese jazz organist.
She has performed at the San Jose Jazz Festival in 2002, the Stanford Jazz Festival in 2013, the Otsu Jazz Festival in Japan in 2018. In 2017 and 2018, she participated in the West Coast tour of the Japanese-American jazz drummer, Akira Tana’s “Akira and the Secret Agent Band” as an organ player.
She released her first album “Green’s Blues” in 1999, a coupling album “Jazz Organ Tribute” with organ player Atsuko Hashimoto in 2000, and “In My Own Way”, Japanese folk songs album with Akira Tana in 2014.
In 2021, she released the album “Pandemic Ono Band”, a rock-oriented jazz album with guitarist Toshiharu Mihara.
Currently, utilizing her experience of raising three children, she launched ” First Time Jazz Organ for Kids,” a live concert for parents and children in 2009 to introduce the charms of the jazz organ to children and continues the concert series several times. She also teaches the younger generation.
She has added a sense of depth and dimension to her playing through her life experiences, and continues to captivate audiences with her soulful and bluesy playing style.
She began learning to play the Electone and Piano at an early age, and started to play the Hammond Organ at age 11.
In 1988, at the age of 17, she won the first prize in the Hammond Organ Competition for high school students and above, and as a supplementary prize, she was invited to play at the NAMM Show 1989 (National Association of Music Merchants), which is the world’s largest trade-only event for the music products, pro audio and event tech industry in Los Angeles, USA. She encountered many professional organ players play at the NAMM show, which inspired her to become a jazz organ player.
While studying at Doshisha University in Kyoto, she started playing in the light music club and joined the jazz big band “The Third Herd Orchestra”, where she played piano and keyboards. After graduating, she began to work as an organ player mainly in the Kansai area and throughout Japan. She also performed with the renown touring artists like Dr. Lonnie Smith and Jack McDuff, and was greatly influenced by them.
In 1996, she performed at an organ club in New York, which was introduced in Japan’s Keyboard Magazine, and in 1997, a live recording she made in Osaka was introduced on American radio. She was invited to perform at the Organ Summit of the San Francisco Jazz Festival in November of the same year, where she performed with Jimmy McGriff, Booker T. Jones, and others, and enthralling many organ fans and being praised as the “Most exciting Japanese jazz organist.
She has performed at the San Jose Jazz Festival in 2002, the Stanford Jazz Festival in 2013, the Otsu Jazz Festival in Japan in 2018. In 2017 and 2018, she participated in the West Coast tour of the Japanese-American jazz drummer, Akira Tana’s “Akira and the Secret Agent Band” as an organ player.
She released her first album “Green’s Blues” in 1999, a coupling album “Jazz Organ Tribute” with organ player Atsuko Hashimoto in 2000, and “In My Own Way”, Japanese folk songs album with Akira Tana in 2014.
In 2021, she released the album “Pandemic Ono Band”, a rock-oriented jazz album with guitarist Toshiharu Mihara.
Currently, utilizing her experience of raising three children, she launched ” First Time Jazz Organ for Kids,” a live concert for parents and children in 2009 to introduce the charms of the jazz organ to children and continues the concert series several times. She also teaches the younger generation.
She has added a sense of depth and dimension to her playing through her life experiences, and continues to captivate audiences with her soulful and bluesy playing style.